Overcoming Adversity evaluates the capacity to bounce back when dealing with difficult work-related events and resolving interpersonal conflicts. Applicants face challenging, job-related issues that test their resilience and conflict-resolution skills.
The assessment measures an individual's ability to handle and recover from adverse work-related events. Applicants who bounce back quickly from emotionally taxing workplace issues are significantly more likely to thrive in a contact center.
Overcoming Adversity measures conflict-resolution skills. Contact center agents must support customers with a range of emotions. The capacity to deal with conflict effectively and diplomatically is essential to achieve various voice and chat KPIs, like Customer Satisfaction.
Contact centers are demanding, high-stress environments. Resilient people are better equipped to manage stress, rebound from setbacks, and maintain their well-being in these environments. The capacity to cope with on-the-job stressors increases the likelihood of staying on the job.